Šablona | III/2 |
RVP pro | Odborné vzdělávání |
Autor | Ing. Helena Zikmundová |
Licence | CC-BY-NC-SA |
Obor | Veřejnosprávní činnost, Strojírenství |
Předmět | Anglický jazyk |
Ročník |
3.2_02 – Česká republika a Evropská unie
3.2_02_01 | Milestones of the Czech history |
3.2_02_02 | The Czech Republic – basic facts |
3.2_02_03 | The Czech national holidays |
3.2_02_04 | The Czech customs and traditions |
3.2_02_05 | The political system of CR |
3.2_02_06 | Let´s go to Prague |
3.2_02_07 | November 17 |
3.2_02_08 | The Czech UNESCO heritage |
3.2_02_09 | Prague-The Royal Route |
3.2_02_10 | Máchovo lake |
3.2_02_11 | The Famous Czechs |
3.2_02_12 | The Czech education system |
3.2_02_13 | The Czech traditional food |
3.2_02_14 | European Union |
3.2_02_15 | Institutions of European Union |
3.2_02_16 | General test of CR |
3.2_02_17 | True false test of EU |
3.2_02_18 | Louny |
3.2_02_19 | Louny surroundings |
3.2_02_20 | General test of Louny |